Billing — Complete Pediatrics, P.C.
Complete Pediatrics, P.C.

As of 05/22/23 we have moved to our new location at 24 WASHINGTON AVE, NORTH HAVEN.



Billing Policy

All co-payments and outstanding balances are due upon arriving to our office. There is a $10 Administration Fee that will be billed to the parents and/or guardians if your co-payment is not received upon check-in. Complete Pediatrics will send patient statements through eClinicalWorks, our electronic medical records system, at the 30- and 60-day via USPS first class mail. Statements are also visible with Complete Pediatrics, P.C. Patient Portal. Balances that are past due greater than 60 days will be transferred to Transworld Systems (TSI). TSI will continue the process of recovering outstanding balances on our behalf.


Payment Options

Payment can be made via USPS, the Patient Portal or in-office transaction. We accept cash, checks and credit cards. We also offer a flexible payment plan. Please speak with our Practice Administrator, Nicolette Weeks, for further details.